Upstreamly are proud to be members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). This premium qualification allows us to be a member of a highly influential and respected professional body, which connects us to a wider global community of financial experts.


We also pride ourselves in being members of the Scottish Energy Forum, a national forum for the presentation and discussion of views on the economic, industrial, technological and political aspects of petroleum and other energy resources. We hope that we will be a part of the many different events hosted throughout the year.


Our team at Upstreamly are proud to be partnered with the University of Exeter’s careers department. We have teamed up to provide graduate students the opportunity to work alongside our business to receive professional, first hand experience of working for a chartered accountants firm.

Interning with Upstreamly has given past interns the ability to grow in confidence, professionalism and knowledge, which has led to their success in future employment. Working alongside the University of Exeter enables us to help young people develop in their career, giving them the skills and training they need to work in the finance sector, marketing and advertising and the oil and gas industry.


We are also proud to be a Silver Champion partner with Xero, the emerging global leader of online accounting software that connects small businesses to their advisors and other services. Through online collaboration, we have built a trusted relationship with Xero since becoming a partner in 2015.

Being an establish partner allows us to run our business efficiently and quickly from anywhere, to maximise client satisfaction.


We invite advisors to work closely with our company and allow our staff to have easy access to the areas they need to do their job. In addition to this, our Xero partnership allows our business and data to be secure with multiple layers of security including industry-standard data encryption and secure data centres.

Find out more about what it means to you to have certified xero accountants working with you.

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